Meet Kerno

The Developer Business Reliability Platform

Kerno is a simple way for developers and on-call teams to cut through production noise, quickly identify business-critical application issues, and resolve them independently with minimal effort.

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ease pressure on ops & SRE teams

Get your developers in the game

Kerno is purpose-built to make is as easy as possible for every developer to understand how their code performs in production and impacts business so they can build and run reliable software.

End-to-end reliability experience

Move fast with a streamlined developer experience integrating error monitoring, observability, incident management, and Gitops.

Focus on what matters

Minimize noise and distraction by focusing on issues that are relevant to your services and their impact on the business.

Know precisely where to look

Jump directly into fully contextualized, and correlated event and telemetry data down to the broken line of code.

keep the right people in the loop

Automatically notify relevant people and align everyone around a single unified view of the issue based on blast radius and service ownerships.

Low-Friction, Low-Risk Deployments

Keep operational overhead and cost under control

Kerno takes a non-data-intensive approach by leveraging kernel-level integration, in-cluster architecture, and low level ML models to deliver an out-of-box experience at a predictable cost and a negligible system footprint.

Get up and running this morning

Deploy in a few minutes and get everything you need out of the box. No code changes, custom dashboards, or complex configurations.

Keep overhead low at scale

Kerno leverages eBPF kernel-level instrumentation to collect granular data across your entire stack at a low footprint (<2%).

100% coverage without compromise

Event-based data collection and edge processing gives your developers precisely the data they need, reducing data storage and egress cost by up to 90%.

100% coverage without compromise

$50 /mo

Per unique workload*

Get all the data you need to resolve issues without ever worrying about cost with flat and predictable pricing.

* We price the service by unique workload, ignoring replication and associated resources (like configmaps or network services)
Predictable flat pricing

Pay based on the number of unique components you have running in production and never worry again about unpredictable volume-based pricing.

Unlimited seats

Give Kerno to every developer and mobilize your entire engineers with a production performance mindset without worrying about your bill.

Stay in control of your data

Kerno leverages an in-cluster architecture to ensure that your data is processed, stored, and always remains secure inside your cluster.

Obfuscate sensitive data

Kerno detects and obfuscates PII at source so that you can give your developers safe access to the production insights they need in real-time.

Ready to get started?

Let's turn your developers into reliability heros

Reduce production risk
Increase developer productivity
Alleviate pressure on Ops and SRE teams
Resolve incidents faster and reduce MTTR